Sunday, May 28, 2017

Acts 1:6-14, Retirement, Transition to New Pastor

            I have had the privilege of talking with Nick several times. You are fortunate to have him as your new pastor. He will officially be the new pastor on July 1. Suzanne and I will leave soon after the June 4 worship service. Adrianne Curtis, the pastor at Royal Center, will be available for pastoral services from June 5-11, while Pastor Doug will be available after that. This will give time for the Trustees and Staff Parish to get the house ready for the new family. They will have time to install new carpet, paint, and make other repairs. Cross~Wind has a beautiful parsonage in a beautiful area.

            I want to say thank you. Thank you to all those who made the retirement celebration last Sunday so meaningful and memorable. I have gone through the cards presented. Thank you for the gifts some gave. Thank you for the words of encouragement as Suzanne and I embark upon a new phase of our lives. If you are among those who said you hope to visit us in Florida, you are quite welcome to our new home. For those who mentioned specific ways in which my ministry has touched you, thank you for sharing. Thank you to our Staff Parish Chair Darryl Lane for helping me this week. We got in a U-Haul on Monday and went to Clearwater, FL, pulling the Mustang behind us. It took us a couple of hours, but we got everything into the new home. We then flew home, where Suzanne and Linda picked us up.

            I would like to say another word about Nick and his family.

            I would encourage you to be patient. It will take time for Nick to learn you, and for you to learn him. He will need to have time with his new family, as they welcome a child into their home. The Book of Discipline, which governs our life toget
her, extends to the pastor some bonding time with the new family. Of course, we are not certain when the baby will come. We do know that our responsibility is to help this young family get a good start.

            Nick is young. He is only 32. Like many of you, he has professed his faith in Jesus Christ and has professed his confidence in the trustworthiness of the Bible. You are brothers and sisters in Christ before you are pastor and congregation. He has also graduated from college and Seminary. He has served churches. He has been learning his unique gifts and graces. He will have much to learn, but he will also have much teach.

            As I mentioned least week, I hope you can keep an open mind and heart, keep learning, and keep having a curious approach to this part of the journey of Cross~Wind. This is a time to be watchful and pray. In a sense, Cross~Wind is on pause as the new pastor arrives. Yet, in another sense, this may be the most significant time this church has this year, as you engage in extended times of prayer for Cass County, Logansport, and this congregation.

            You have the opportunity to encourage this young clergy family in their ministry.

            You can do that by being patient. It will take time to learn how this relationship will work. You can help them by wearing your nametags on Sunday morning and maybe other occasions.

            You can help by managing your expectations. Everyone wants spiritual and numerical growth. A young pastor is not magic. Bringing in one person or even one family will not make all the changes for which you hope. Some of you may be fearful of any change! You see, it will take pastor and people learning what it is to be this particular part of the Body of Christ. All of that will take time. Remember, people, like good crops and fruit, take time to develop.

            Many of us thoroughly enjoyed the Lent study Jesus Creed. Learn what it is like to love God with this new family. This family will be your newest neighbor, so learn what it is like to love them.

Acts 1:6-14

So when they had come together, they asked him, "Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?" 7 He replied, "It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." 9 When he had said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. 10 While he was going and they were gazing up toward heaven, suddenly two men in white robes stood by them. 11 They said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up toward heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven." 12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey away. 13 When they had entered the city, they went to the room upstairs where they were staying, Peter, and John, and James, and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, and Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James. 14 All these were constantly devoting themselves to prayer, together with certain women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, as well as his brothers. 

Year A
Seventh Sunday After Easter
May 28, 2017
Title: Abandon Earth?

Introducing the passage 

            The theme of Acts 1:6-14 is the mission to the world and the ascension. The disciples have a concern for the timetable of restoring the kingdom to Israel. The response of the risen Lord is similar to what we find in Mark 13:32, where only the Father knows when that day will come. Thus, neither the angels nor the Son will know. We are going to see the intimate connection between the Spirit and the church. The rule of God will come, not through armies, but through witnesses. We will see the geographical interest of Luke as the story of the church begins in Jerusalem, then to Judea and Samaria, and then the ends of the earth. The point is that the mission to the world, similar to Luke 24:47-48 (repentance and forgiveness preached to the nations by witnesses) and Matthew 28:19 (make disciples of all nations), replaces the notion of the restoration of the kingdom to Israel. As Luke records the ascension of Jesus, we might think of some biblical parallels. In Genesis 5:24, Enoch walked with God, but was not, for God took him. In II Kings 2:11, a whirlwind appeared to bring Elijah to heaven. Jewish tradition said God took Moses in a similar way. Yet, Luke does not let us ponder this event too long. Two angels puzzle as to why they continue to stare into the sky. They have work to do. The mission to the world seems to replace the notion of the restoration of the kingdom to Israel. We have here the significant pause before this mission begins. They must wait and pray. “They” here is not just the 11. The group includes a larger circle of men and women who gather to wait and pray. The Spirit will come upon all of them in Acts 2. They will prophesy, even as the prophet Joel said, sons and daughters. Then, the Spirit will come, giving birth to the church. I think sometimes that a significant pause happens in our lives it and in the lives of churches. The pause does not mean nothing happens. The pause gives us an opportunity to wait and pray. It gives us an opportunity to have open minds and hearts. We become open to the Spirit coming in a new way, in a way that enlightens the path and empowers us for new ministry. The point for us, then, is that the Spirit has been with us all along, but that we need openness to the new things the Spirit wants to do among us and in us.


Stephen Hawking is the physicist-mathematician-cosmologist with longer alphabet soup credentials on his business card than any living human. One needs an advanced degree just to understand Hawking's areas of research. He has written many books, including the international best-selling A Brief History of Time. The book is still worth your time. When we discuss the power of human thought and imagination, his name will usually come up. From human space flight to alien life to theoretical physics, Hawking taps out mind-blowing ideas.

Thus, when Stephen Hawking tells us that at some point in the future human beings will need to abandon earth or face extinction, most of us listen.   

"It will be difficult enough to avoid disaster on planet Earth in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand, or million. The human race shouldn't have all its eggs in one basket, or on one planet."  

Eventually, we need to get out of here, find a new planet to colonize, and start over. Of course, whenever you start over, you never have a clean slate. You take yourself with you wherever you go, as the saying goes. If we have made mess of this earth, we will also make a mess of new earth.

If you remember all the commotion about 2012, some people are thinking he is right. We will need to abandon earth.

Even Christians might agree with Hawking in one sense, thinking the earth is doomed and what is required now is the patience to wait until we can someday punch our ticket to heaven and move to a "new creation." A better place is waiting, and there is no mess there!

Nevertheless, in a Time magazine interview, theologian N.T. Wright counters that line of thought, saying,  

"Never at any point do the gospels or Paul say Jesus has been raised, therefore we are all going to heaven. They all say, Jesus is raised, therefore the new creation has begun, and we have a job to do." 

Therefore, with all due respect to Hawking, yes, some future generation may need to abandon this earth. Between now and then, of course, we have much work to do. On Ascension Day, the disciples watch as Jesus apparently does what Hawking suggests: He hurries up and off into the heavens, disappearing from view, in an exit that would make magicians David Blaine and Criss Angel envious, apparently abandoning the earth and his disciples walking on it. Yet, this raises an important theological question. Does the story of the ascension, does Ascension Sunday, really mean that Jesus has abandoned earth, leaving those who follow him on earth?


Now what?

Ascension Sunday is a time to reflect on how we partner with Jesus in life and faith. Do we have a clear sense of personal mission? Do we feel empowered, as we should? Do we see the gospel as church work or our vocation?

Here are four implications of the text on Christian living.

First, it is on us.

The story of Stephen Hawking is amazing. Most of us know his physical limits. We would have understood if he had decided they were too much and that he would give up. Yet, he did not do that. We might also have understood if the disciples had decided the mission of making disciples in this world was just too much. Yet, they had no excuses. We have no excuses either. God has no other plan than imperfect individuals and communities sharing the good news as witnesses in this world.

I briefly refer you to old 1957 movie, 12 Angry Men, in which Henry Fonda portrays juror #9. Pay attention to his gentle words of persuasion, as he sees holes in the account by the prosecution. Others cannot believe it and are angry. In fact, they try to persuade by their anger and coercion, but juror #9 keeps gently persuading. It reminds me of an interesting book, The Art of Woo (2007), where the authors say that persuading is more like courtship than war. Our political environment could use a bit of this notion today, but that is another story. If you are to persuade, you must put yourself in the position of the other person and identify with their needs, desires, and hopes. The authors suggest that you must then be a credible and authentic witness.[1]

Second, we are not alone.

In the farewell discourse we find in John, Jesus tells the disciples a Helper will come alongside them. They just needed to go to Jerusalem and wait for the Spirit to come. As post-Pentecost Christians, the Father and the Son have given us the same Spirit the disciples received in Acts 2. That means our limitations, like theirs, need not stand in the way. You are not perfect. You probably have some fear. You probably do not have the time. Yet, God has no other plan than you, faithfully learning your vocation to be a follower of Jesus in this world.

Third, we are in a partnership.

Paul did not go preaching with persuasive words but with a demonstration of the power of the Spirit (I Corinthians 2:4). Thus, looked at from another perspective, it is not up to us. We have a partner in learning to be a faithful witness in the Spirit of God. We are not alone. So let us pray with purpose. Where do we see God working, and how can we join God there?

Fourth, the time is now.

The angels issued a clear warning that we rarely think about: Jesus is coming back the same way he left. After 2,000 years, it is quite easy not to take that seriously. Christ's return can feel like hitting the lotto - chances are it will not happen in my life.

Nevertheless, James reminds us that our life is like a mist that comes and then vanishes. So if we know the good we ought to do and do not do it, we sin (4:13-17).

So what exactly are we waiting for?

A faith that works!


Finally, the whole earth has needs. Jesus would not let the disciples be content with fulfilling the needs of Israel alone. They were to go out to Samaria and the ends of the earth. All Christians have natural spheres of influence around them, and we can find need in every one of those places. Too much sky-staring Christianity may have soured Hawking. Comparing the impacts of science and religion, he said,  

"There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority [and] science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works." 

Science works! He sees it advancing us to the point where we can abandon this place for new planets. But: 

* What if he saw a religion that worked?
* What if he saw a faith that worked!?
* What if he saw something that made an impact?
* What if he saw something that was transformative and life-changing?
* What if he saw something that addressed the world's urgent needs and problems?
* What if he saw something that made abandoning earth an unnecessary idea? 

This kind of Christianity is that to which the ascension calls us. While we can serve God in many ways, we cannot do it by simply staring at the sky and hanging out.

Ascension Day is a natural time to look at our spheres of influence and ask, "Am I advancing or abandoning my calling?"

Going deeper 

Acts 1:6-14

So when they had come together, they asked him, "Lord, is this the time when you will restore the kingdom to Israel?" [This question is consistent with what many scholars think would have been a common hope among the first Jewish Christians in Jerusalem. Some scholars speculate, in fact, that the difficulty they had with the gentile mission was this hope for a restoration of the kingdom to Israel.] 7 He replied, "It is not for you to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority. [This response recalls Mark 13:32 as well, where no one knows when that day will come, for only the Father knows.] 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; [As Pannenberg stresses, Luke provides us with a theological statement about the relation between the church and the Spirit. The universal missionary proclamation of the church shows it to be end-time people of God foretold by Joel (as we learn in Acts 2), establishing the church by the outpouring of the prophetic Spirit on all its members. This implies eschatological closeness to God.[2]] and you will be my witnesses [(the Greek word here is the word for martyr) The risen Jesus reminds them of the different nature of the reign of God as Jesus saw it. He will not reign through armies. His reign will spread by witnesses. As John Dominic Crossan is fond of saying, “The same roads that the Romans built to establish their empire would be used by Paul and other itinerant Christians to craft a new kind of empire.”] in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." [This geographical reference will form an outline for the rest of Acts, with the end of the earth being Rome. In his classic work The Theology of St. Luke (originally Die Mitte der Zeit), the great biblical interpreter Hans Conzelmann delineated the three-stage unfolding of God’s plan in Luke and Acts. He called the plan Heilsgeschichte, a term usually translated as “salvation history.” This passage marks the transition point between stages two and three of Conzelmann’s schematic. The period of Jesus’ ministry ends in his glorious ascension, and God will presently inaugurate the era of the church. The church has not yet received its baptism of the Holy Spirit, promised in Acts 1:5 and delivered at Pentecost (Acts 2), but in this passage, it does receive its commission. This verse marks Conzelmann’s transition quite clearly and serves as a programmatic foreshadowing of the ensuing narrative. This verse introduces the importance of the Holy Spirit in Acts. The Holy Spirit is the presence of God on earth in the third phase of salvation history, the era of the church. Readers of Acts acknowledge the profound agency that Luke ascribes to the Holy Spirit in his account. In the words of Joseph Fitzmeyer, the Spirit becomes “the dynamo of the Lukan story in Acts ... the power given to disciples, the dynamic principle of their existence as Christians and of their role as witnesses in the new phase of salvation history.”[3]]

9 When he had said this, as they were watching, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. 10 While he was going and they were gazing up toward heaven, suddenly two men in white robes stood by them. 11 They said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up toward heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven." 12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day's journey [one half mile] away. [At that point, in an account of the ascension that differs from what Luke 24:51, apparently occurring on Easter evening, Luke now says, in occurring 40 days after the resurrection, that God lifted up the risen Lord, with a cloud (at the Transfiguration as well, Shekinah) taking him out of their sight. Luke is the only author to give the ascension separate appreciable significance. Luke is letting the reader know that that the church will experience the presence of Christ in a different way from now on. In addition, the disciples become witnesses. The 40 days of instruction from the risen Lord echo the 40 days Moses spent on Sinai. Like Moses, the disciples spent time with the risen Jesus before they would go forth to form the people of God. In the Greek and Roman context, Ovid, in Metamorphoses 14:805-851, written around 1 AD,  tells us of founder of Rome, Romulus, ascending as well. In addition, Diodorus, (first century BC, History, 4.38.3-5) writes of the ascension of Hercules. The emperor Augustus, divinized by Rome, also had an account of his ascension to heaven after his death in Dio Cassius (155-229 AD), in his Roman History 56.46. The cult that arose around the emperors referred to them as “Lord” and “Son of God.” It was quite natural for early Christians to contrast themselves to this cult by referring to the risen Lord with the same titles. However, if we search for biblical background here, we might turn to Genesis 5:24, where Enoch walked with God, but was not, for God took him. In II Kings 2:11, a whirlwind appeared, along with a chariot of fire and horses of fire, to bring Elijah to heaven. Further, both Josephus and Philo record differing traditions of God taking Moses into heaven. As the risen Jesus rose toward heaven, and as they gazed, two men (angels) asked these men of Galilee why they looked toward the heavens. Luke brings the reader directly back to earth, not wanting to linger too long on the excitement of this exaltation of the risen Jesus. After all, the men say, this same Jesus, whom God has taken from them and brought to heaven, will come in the same way. The point is that the mission to the world, similar to Luke 24:47-48 (repentance and forgiveness preached to the nations by witnesses) and Matthew 28:19 (make disciples of all nations), replaces the notion of the restoration of the kingdom to Israel.]

13 When they had entered the city, they went to the room upstairs where they were staying, Peter, and John, and James, and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James son of Alphaeus, and Simon the Zealot, and Judas son of James. 14 All these were constantly devoting themselves to prayer, together with certain women, including Mary the mother of Jesus, as well as his brothers.[Karl Barth characterized the period between the ascension and Pentecost as a “significant pause” during which the church was called only to wait and pray. Waiting and praying are signatures of faithfulness. Isaiah 40:31 proclaims and promises that those who patiently “wait for the LORD” shall “renew their strength ... mount up with wings like eagles ... run and not be weary ... walk and not faint.” When we are busy, we dissipate our energy on a host of tiny, inconsequential tasks. Thus, we never have a chance to feel the depth of our strength. Only in sustained and watchful waiting do we build up our endurance and develop the muscles of faithfulness. The disciples’ waiting, of course, includes one very important activity — praying. Until the coming of the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ still-fragile followers have no inkling about how God expects them to become witnesses for Christ to all the earth. The disciples do not return to Jerusalem despondent over Jesus’ departure. They are people on a mission. The disciples waiting in Jerusalem now know exactly what to ask for: the baptism of the Holy Spirit.]

[1] Of course, we can say we have not been Christians long enough or we have not received enough training. We may be fearful someone would ask a question we could not answer. We may think we do not have the time. At the same time, it seems as if the plan of God is working through imperfect people to fulfill the mission. God has no other plan.
There's an old story -- one of those so-called apocryphal ones -- about what happened when Jesus arrived back at the gates of heaven, following his ascension. All the heavenly host were gathered to welcome God's Son, to celebrate his return home. Everybody had questions. They'd heard of his exploits on earth. They wanted to hear it straight from him. Jesus described his adventures at great length: the preaching, the teaching, the healing. They laughed when he told them how he'd tied the Pharisees' theological arguments up in knots, and they wept when he described both the agony of the cross and the joy of resurrection. Someone asked him, "Lord, now that you no longer physically walk the earth, who will share the good news?" "I've got a plan," said Christ. "I've selected 11 followers, my closest friends. To them I've given the responsibility of sharing the good news." "They must have some incredible talents, those 11," remarked one angel. "Well, actually no," the Lord responded. "These are average people, with ordinary abilities. They're vain and sometimes foolish. One of them, their leader, denied me three times." "But, Lord," objected another angel, "how can you be sure they'll get the job done?" "To be perfectly honest, I can't be sure." "What do you mean, you can't be sure? What if they fail? What's your backup plan?" Quietly Christ answered, "I have no backup plan."  
[2] Systematic Theology, Volume 3, 15.
[3] (Joseph Fitzmeyer, Acts of the Apostles [Anchor Bible; New York: Doubleday, 1997], 200).

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